Providing Support For Those In Rehabilitation

Drug related deaths have increase by 117% from 2009 to 2012. This statistic is concerning and makes it so important to understand why you should always encourage a loved one who is going through drug rehab. As family and friends who have someone going through rehabilitation (through an outlet such as Gateway Rehabilitation Hospital), it can be stressful on you to watch a loved one endure such a tough time. More than anything during this time, they need as much support from their loved ones as possible. This can help encourage them and motivate them to keep going even when they feel like giving up. While it is important not to get in the way of the health care workers who are working with your loved one, there are certain things you can do to help make the process easier for the patient. 

Go to Counseling Sessions

When your loved one is going through drug rehab, most programs make it mandatory that the patient attend counseling sessions. This is also a good idea for you to do with the patient. While they may have some things they need to work out on their own, it is also important that they have sessions with friends and family members they are close to. During drug use, the patient is not the only one who is being hurt. Watching your loved one abuse drugs can be painful. This is why you need to attend counseling sessions with the patient to ensure that these emotions are handled properly. 

Be Patient

Drug users undergo an addiction that can require a lot of time and help. At times, they may fall off the wagon. This is not the time to demean them and walk away. It is important to continue encouraging them so they know they are loved and supported. By walking away, they can end up depressed and returning to a lifestyle of drugs again. It is important to keep visiting them while they are going through the treatment process. This is the best way to show them you are supporting them. 


Sometimes, you may want to share your feelings with your loved one going through rehabilitation. Finding the right time and place is crucial as they may not be ready for it yet. During rehabilitation, they are going through a lot of their own emotions and need someone to just listen from time to time. If you unload your feelings on them, you could be doing more harm than good. 
